
Peanut butter Coconut

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (KETO/VEGAN friendly)

Going to have you addicted from the very first ball! These delicious mini mighty treats pose as a great healthy version of the well known peanut butter cups! Not only healthy, our balls will have you wanting more and more until your craving is finally satisfied. Perfect for a snack, pre/ post workout treat or a wonderful SUGAR FIX. Eat as many or as less as youd like without the regrets ! ENJOY!


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Going to have you addicted from the very first ball! These delicious mini mighty treats pose as a great healthy version of the well known peanut butter cups! Not only healthy, our balls will have you wanting more and more until your craving is finally satisfied. Perfect for a snack, pre/ post workout treat or a wonderful SUGAR FIX. Eat as many or as less as youd like without the regrets ! ENJOY!

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Peanut butter Coconut

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